Prepare your company for the changes in using Red Diesel

Transitioning from Red Diesel - Guidance

This guidance has been written in collaboration with HM Revenue and Customs and takes members through a step-by-step guide on how to prepare for the changes.

Speaking about the new legislation, President of the Association, Callum Mackintosh, said:

“The removal of the construction sector’s entitlement to use red diesel and rebated biodiesel is, I believe, the first in a series of major changes that will affect our industry and environment forever. But the legislation is here and now the priority in the short-term is to help members understand what it means and what changes they need to make, if they haven’t already, but in the long-term I do think there is an opportunity for the industry.

“The removal of red diesel entitlement should act as a driver for SPOA members and the entire industry to operate more efficiently and effectively, to consider alternative fuels, consider our impact on the environment and the future of our industry. It might even be the catalyst we need to raise our own pricing. The alternatively fuelled equipment of the very near future will cost more – anything between 15% to 200% so something needs to change.”

Callum continued:

“A physical copy of this guidance has been issued to our members and it is available to download below. I would urge members and indeed non-members to take the time to read it. For example, there is a lot of guidance in there on measures you can take to help prevent fuel theft, a very big concern for the industry. Your Association is here to help, and we are happy to answer any questions."


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